Thursday 14 February 2013

A Diggers Day No.10

Yesterday was hell, today quite pleasant. What a change can happen in 24 hours with the weather in Britain. But the water took time to drain away and make the site easier to work:

I am working on the ditches further north and trying to answer a question. Did the primary ditch match the E/W direction of the secondary ditch or not? Digging at the point where it turns from E/W to N/S I have found that it does not:

As can be seen the primary ditch only runs N/S. I found it quite satisfying to have solved this little puzzle, set out 2,500 years ago. Why I/A people dug a straight and short ditch cannot be answered from this, but it is obvious that the secondary ditch followed the primary until it was then dug E/W to create the enclosure to the settlement.
This is the secondary ditch just as it turns south.

My colleague 'Uncle Albert' found this very nice fragment of pot today:
BBW example

Luckily our pottery expert was on site and identified it as Middle Iron Age. 'Huney' found a very fine, small fragment of rim:
Considering the conditions we have had to endure this could easily have been overlooked.
Keep digging guys.

We are hoping to have this type of weather for a few days, especially as we don't have to work this weekend!

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